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Stories…Gifts for the Journey

February 19, 2007

What to do when problems and situations loom larger than any immediate solution?  For me, I go back to stories.  I think back to my ancestors, their many attempts at giving of themselves so that the batton somehow would find another hand to pick up and run, walk, and even crawl toward the next hand reaching back and moving forward.  I’m surrounded by these stories. 

As I sat and listened to parents of children in the I Have a Dream Program in their monthly meeting  in January, I looked around and noted that what continues to make a difference for the kids is this great force of love that sustains them in the form of parents, aunts, uncles, grandmothers, teachers, sponsors…the list could go on.  Often, however, the stories of this power are not told or shared frequently enough.  The emphasis on the immediate and pressing pushes back the narrative mode and often silences what is of most value.

Maybe the time is ripe for these stories to come forth and fill our hearts and, yes, this blog.   So how about some stories to help us through to the next leg of the race?  The next school year?  The next…???

Dreamers, what have you experienced this year that you can share in the form of a narrative that may be of use for those who are following your steps? 

Parents, the same?  What is a story you may want to share with the larger community that can help sustain us in our own struggles?

Others, those of you who are connected one way or another with this community, what do you have to contribute? 

Please share and post!

~carlos gonzalez

6 Comments leave one →
  1. wendell mcclain permalink
    March 21, 2007 3:21 pm

    I where at kadall campus
    I saw a big white tent

  2. wendell mcclain permalink
    March 21, 2007 3:38 pm

    I went to the kendall campus of Miami Dade College
    We saw a big white tent
    We were given a key chain.
    I took lots of pictures of college students
    I went to the LIBRARY and saw college students working and studying.

  3. Keyalah N. Thelusma permalink
    March 21, 2007 3:39 pm


    This blog is going to be about my stupendous trip to MDC Kendall Campus. My trip was very constructive. Many people really enjoyed what we learned that day. We tried getting on different excersise machines; we also talked to people who actually worked at the fitness center. We took pictures of this great learning adventure.

    Then we ate our lunch that we had been planning to eat for SEVERAL HOURS! We also went to the swimming pool. We even went to the library and learned that there are about 150,000 books, magazines, dictionaries, cook books, between others.

    We took the best trip ever!!

    Keyala =0)

  4. Mat'kevius Lumpkin permalink
    March 21, 2007 3:44 pm

    My favorite part was when we went to the gym.

    Because we were going to excersise so we could get healthy. When the guy was talking about our fat when we ate Wendy’s. Fat looks like a big yellow thing with red spot.

    The next part we went was to the library. When we get in the library we had to go the librarian who was telling us about the library. The librarian told us that the Miami Dade Kendall College had 150,000 books, in the one college. Then when it was time to go, she gave us two key chains.

    The third place we went was to eat lunch under a huge white tent, then it was time to go, but I did not want to leave the campus.

    That is it, about my favorite place!

    Love always!


  5. December 12, 2007 10:18 am

    That blog was not not nothing like i’ve ever seen before. That was the most stupendous thing I have ever experienced! Great job keyalah.

  6. September 25, 2009 2:12 pm

    This blog is so wonderful and I wish you the best at ur nu skool u r going to learn nnu thing and u are going to have a lot of fun be a good student just like u were here at phillis wheatley elementary school get the same good grades and remember to get those high fcat scores good job keyalah U ROCk GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3

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