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Presidential Election 2008

November 5, 2008

Today, was a little different. When I say different I mean that we stopped the routine from our video filming activities and joined all together to discuss one of the most important days of our history :The first black American President. The truth is that yesterday was history. In fact, I am very happy that our generation had the opportunity to live through this moment and the kids at Phillis Wheatley seemed to understand this, for them it is also a historical moment. They were very happy that America voted for change, and that all the racism barriers were gone. As our group of college students asked Demani for her opinion she said that she was glad OBAMA won the elections but that at the same time she was very scared. When we heard this we rapidly asked her why? She mentioned that America had to be careful and take care of him (Obama) because they may try to kill him like they did with Martin Luther King. For me this was a very complex answer to come out of a mouth of a 6th grader. It shows the true passion her family and her felt for this election/ for this candidate. Personally, I was eager to find out what was their opinion about this election and also what their families thought about it.

On the other hand, she was also eager to know how did we feel about this election as well. She asked me if I ever thought of voting for Mccain because he is white? I told her that since the beginning I firmly believed that Obama had the vision, the intelligence and the compassion to lead this country in the right direction. That I wasn’t the kind of person who will mix race and politics and that since the beginning I mainly focused on what Obama offered to solve the problems facing this country. Our conversation seemed to answer a lot of Demani’s question circulating around her head.

But then, we all agreed to leave this question up to destiny.

Is America ready for a change?

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